Delivering Safer Pregnancies: Lower Your Risk of Health Problems

Enviado por megoavil el Vie, 21/07/2023 - 10:51
Illustration of healthcare provider taking pregnant woman’s blood pressure

Pregnancy and childbirth can be a joyous time. But growing and delivering a baby are some of the most challenging things the human body can do. These processes can put so much strain on the body’s systems that they may lead to serious health problems.

Most people have healthy pregnancies. Millions of births occur each year in the U.S. But, more than 50,000 people have serious health problems during or after pregnancy. Many can be successfully treated. But some may cause life-long difficulties or even disability.

Pregnancy can trigger or uncover heart problems, high blood pressure, blood clots, or diabetes. Some people experience severe bleeding or infection from giving birth. Others develop mental health conditions, like depression or anxiety.

The number of serious health problems and deaths from pregnancy have been rising in the U.S. in recent years. Knowing the symptoms to look out for and getting care quickly can help keep both mothers and their babies safe.

Click here to read more.

Source: NIH News in Health, July 2023 []