Mental Health Awareness Month: Presentation on NAMI NJ Multicultural Programs
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
NAMI NJ has gained considerable expertise in the area of multicultural outreach, advocacy, and program development. AACT-NOW (African American), CAMHOP (Chinese American), NAMI NJ En Español (Latinx), and SAMHAJ (South Asian) are four NAMI NJ innovative multicultural programs that outreach to African American, Chinese American, Latinx, and South Asian families with services in education, support, and advocacy.
Meet Program Coordinators/Manager from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of NJ Multicultural programs to learn about how they are serving New Jersey's diverse communities. Get information about culturally inclusive support groups, social gatherings, educational resources, outreaches, and many more for individuals and families affected by mental illness. Programs also provide culturally competent provider lists. Each program has its own twist; please come and learn how you can support and be part of our mental health community to make a positive change.